Social Marketing Company Job 2023. So In May 2006, SMC introduced a small dish of micronutrient powder called “Monimix” to combat iron deficiency anemia in childhood. Now It began marketing zinc-sprayed tablets in September 2006 to reduce the severity of diarrhea in children under 5 years of age. As part of the Maternity and Neonatal Health Program, SMC launched a branded Safe Delivery Kit in 2006 called “Safety Kit” to ensure clean baby delivery at a family level. The initial annual sales of 1 lakh 20 thousand have now increas from 1 crore to 1 crore 20 lakh. By 1975, SMP employ about 500 people and its sales force was consider to be the best in Bangladesh. But see more Social Marketing Company Job 2023.
সোশ্যাল মার্কেটিং কোম্পানি নিয়োগ ২০২৩, সোশ্যাল মার্কেটিং কোম্পানির সূচনা ১৯৭৪ সালে যখন এআই ডি/ ওয়াশিংটন, বাংলাদেশ সরকার এর (বিডিজি) অনুরোধে, সারা দেশে নন-ক্লিনিকাল গর্ভনিরোধক বিতরণ করার জন্য দুই বছর কর্মসূচির জন্য চুক্তি করেছে। পপুলেশন সার্ভিসেস ইন্টারন্যাশনালকে একমাত্র উৎস চুক্তি প্রদান করা হয়েছিল, যা বিডিজির সাথে একটি প্রকল্প কাউন্সিল এর সাথে পরিচালনা পর্ষদের দায়িত্ব পালন করে একটি প্যারাসেন্টাল হিসাবে কার্যক্রম প্রতিষ্ঠার সাথে একটি চুক্তি স্বাক্ষর করে। কাউন্সিল এর সভাপতিত্বে স্বাস্থ্য ও পরিবার পরিকল্পনা সচিব ছিলেন এবং এতে সরকার, বেসরকারী খাত ও আন্তর্জাতিক অলাভজনক খাত এর প্রতিনিধি ছিলেন।
Social Marketing Company Job 2023
Salary: See the circular
Age: 18-35 Years
Vacancy: ——
Deadline: 16 January 2023

Salary: See the circular
Age: 18-35 Years
Vacancy: ——
Deadline: 06 January 2023
Salary: See the circular
Age: 45 Years
Vacancy: ——
Deadline: 03 January 2023

SMC Company Job Circular 2023
Salary: See the circular
Age: 18-45 Years
Vacancy: —–
Deadline: 06 January 2023
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SMC Careers in Bangladesh 2023
Actually The Social Marketing Company was start in 1984 when AID / Washington, at the request of the Government of Bangladesh, sign a two-year program to distribute non-clinical contraceptives across the country. Now Find more jobs on job paper bd. But The only agreement awarded was to Population Services International, which signed an agreement with the BDG to establish activities as a paracentric with a project council serving as the board of directors. The products were introduc at the end of 1975. So By the end of the year, they had spread to all the city markets and the million Raja condom sales had reached 490,000 and the Maya oral contraceptive pills had sold up to about 250,000 cycles.
SMC Recrement 2023
So By 1983, a second brand of condom had been introduc. Sales of condoms reached 16 lakh million that year, up to 6 lakh pills. PSI was call upon by an outside organization to help create an inspirational campaign for small family qualities, birth spacing, male responsibilities and such publicity through a media outlet. But The campaign was design by Manaf International Inc. and ran unexpectedly for five years with USAID funding. Then 1985, SMP had introduc a third condom, Thin Majestic. For the first time in total condom sales, Orsalin (a brand of oral rehydration salts) was launch in the same year for 1 crore and 20 lakh pill cycles.
SMC Vacancy Apply 2023
The BDG began its efforts to establish SMP as a total government program in 1986. Long negotiations with USAID began in 1989 and 1999, and USAID funding was suspend from March to September 1989. During this time all available resources were dedicat to distribution and sales, while motivational promotions and brand advertising were off. Sales have increas to their highest-level during this period. This is not uncommon, as the adverse effects of ad suspension are rarely felt very soon.
- SMC Mission: In partnership with government, development partners and the private sector, SMC’s overall goal is to improve the health and well-being of women, children and families through social marketing of products and services in the areas of family planning, maternal and child health, nutrition and other socially beneficial areas.
- Enterprise Mission: The goal of SMC Enterprise Limited is to help SMC grow as a successful social enterprise by generating surplus funds from profitable operations to invest in running programs designed for social upliftment.
Job related
চাকরির খবর পত্রিকা, কোম্পানি চাকরির খবর, ২০২৩ কোম্পানির চাকরি, আজকের চাকরির খবর, সোশ্যাল মার্কেটিং নিয়োগ, সোশ্যাল মার্কেটিং নিয়োগ ২০২৩, এস এম সি কোম্পানি নিয়োগ, নতুন চাকরি, আজকের জব, সোশ্যাল মার্কেটিং নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি,
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