Protik group job circular 2022 publish for you all group job circular. The Protic Group has created subsidiaries that go beyond its scope. In 2010, Protik Developers Ltd. formed the first building block for Protik Group. One of its biggest and most ambitious initiatives is Project Rupsri, an apartment complex in the heart of Banasree. With the successful realization of Protic Developers Ltd. and the formation of Protic Group Protic Ceramics Ltd., Protic Ceramics Ltd. has a porcelain factory that maintains a status that is spotless and beautiful as its own manufacture. Each product is unique in its own way and made with subtlety and care.
Protic Ceramics Limited received a National Export Trophy in 2013 for its contribution to the overall export growth of Bangladeshi products. With further achievements in the factory, the group made its mark with the Protic Bone China project, moving to more undeveloped areas in 2017. Several other initiatives include Protic Food Allied Ltd., Protic Trade International and Protic Energy and Refinery Ltd. Since its inception, the Protic Group has not shied away from new development and challenging efforts. Every opportunity gives practical experience and valuable lessons, to skyrocket the success of the Protic Group and its growth in its fully mature industry which it supports today.
Protik Group Job Circular
Applications are invited from eligible permanent citizens of Bangladesh on the following conditions. See the details of circular of this job
- Job time: Full time
- number of vacancy: See the circular
- Work place: See the circular
- qualification: See the circular
- Application deadline: 21 may 2022
- Apply from below

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প্রতীক গ্রুপ নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০২২
Protik Group is built on determination, perseverance and keeping customers in mind. Each achievement is the root of these three elements. Protik Group’s inspiration was to the people who provided the first tier products. And it provides just that. We do not shy away from our mission to use the best ingredients to create something better. Visit for more news.
So We are not just any other organization; Then We believe in the potential of every organization that benefits every individual and the community as a whole. We can achieve tremendous victories through cooperation by giving everyone the opportunity to move forward together. Protik Group wants to do just that. We are a family, and we invite you to join our journey to make our lives and our homes more filled with love and success.
Job related
“প্রোটিক গ্রুপ জব সার্কুলার ২০২২, নতুন প্রটিক গ্রুপ জব সার্কুলার ২০২২, সর্বশেষ প্রটিক গ্রুপ জব সার্কুলার ২০২২, প্রটিক গ্রুপ জব সার্কুলার ২০২২ আপডেট, সংস্থার জব সার্কুলার ২০২২, প্রাইভেট জব সার্কুলার ২০২২, সকল কাজের খবর ২০২২, চাকরিজীবন ২০২২, গ্রুপ জব সার্কুলার ২০২২, গ্রুপ সংস্থার চাকরির বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০২২”
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