Palli Shishu Foundation of Bangladesh Job Circular 2022

Palli Shishu Foundation of Bangladesh Job Circular 2022 (PSF). In the early seventies, Prof. Dr. Tofail Ahmed, a leading pediatrician, dedicated social worker and relentless activist for the children of Bangladesh, came up with a new concept of “an integral part of the development and participation of the childcare community”. The establishment of Palli Shishu Foundation and Dhaka Shishu (Children) Hospital almost four decades ago is a clear consequence of the above idea. In 1976, the Palli Shishu Foundation started organizing rural people to set up and run self-help clinics across the country. The groundbreaking concept on which the PSF was founded was created and developed in its present form. It creates a sense of understanding among the rural people to gradually raise awareness and awareness about child health.

PSF mandate to cover nine goals. According to its constitution, the goal of PSF is to disseminate information and conditions for maternal and child health, education, income-generating activities and training, effective participation of disadvantaged and poor. PSF’s mandate makes it important to limit its mark around basic, primary and secondary health. However, the PSF has had to make some exceptions based on the demands of various stakeholders. It is engaged in rights-based campaigns focusing on raising awareness on issues like health rights, gender equality, poverty alleviation, quality education, IGA, etc. which also affect maternal and child mortality, literacy rate and poverty. Aims and Objectives of the Rural Children’s Foundation of Bangladesh and / or any work. See circular more in

Palli Shishu Foundation of Bangladesh Job Circular 2022

  • Qualification: See circular
  • Vacancy: 40
  • Salary: 22,000/-
  • Deadline: 25 October 2022
  • Online apply see below

Palli Shishu Foundation of Bangladesh Job Circular 2022

PSF Job Recruitment 2022


Latest jobs circular


Let us not fail to return to our memory with the founder of PSF, Prof. Dr. Tofail Ahmed and his colleagues, some of whom still involved. Palli Shishu Foundation of Bangladesh (PSFB) is a non-profit, non-political, independent, national, voluntary organization that provides basic health care, legal aid and income-generating programs to low-income customers through quality-based services for quality development. Life and living conditions in Bangladesh. The PSF General or Executive Board (Policy Making Body) committed and represents a professional group. Maternal care and educated mothers have been widely evaluated for raising social awareness, creating volunteers and ultimately building a national movement for child health care. Over the past few decades, PSF activities gained momentum and at the same time the number of clinics has increased from 6 in 1976 to 47.

At present its coverage about 1700 grams spread over 802 million people. Over the years since its inception, the PSF has expanded its activities to protect the legal rights of the poor, women’s empowerment, food security, tree planting, mass education, NGO Health Service Delivery Program (NHSDP), Advanced Universal Health Coverage and other projects. . The role of PSF in the economic and social emancipation of the people, especially the rural people, cannot be overemphasized. The members of the PSF Executive Committee are highly dynamic and professional health experts especially in the field of child health. The PSF has a strong network and the ability to influence the government. Health policy formulation etc. The PSF has the potential to integrate health, education and stat in touch by job paper bd.

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