Ministry Of Primary and Mass Education Job publish, The Ministry of Primary and Mass Education has issued a notification. One of the prerequisites for ensuring education for all is the mandatory provision of equal access to primary education for all children. The ‘Primary Education Act 1990’ has been passed by the Jatiya Sangsad as legal obligation is essential. On the other hand, in order to monitor the proper implementation of this Act, first the Compulsory Primary Education Act Implementation Monitoring Course, it was renam as ‘Compulsory Primary Education Implementation Monitoring Unit’. Apply naw Ministry Of Primary and Mass Education Job.
সবার জন্য শিক্ষা নিশ্চিত করার অন্যতম পূর্বশর্ত হ’ল সকল শিশুর জন্য প্রাথমিক শিক্ষায় সমান প্রবেশের বাধ্যতামূলক বিধান। আইনী বাধ্যবাধকতা অপরিহার্য বলে জাতীয় সংসদ কর্তৃক ‘প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা আইন ১৯৯০’ পাস হয়েছে। অন্যদিকে আইনের যথাযথ প্রয়োগ পর্যবেক্ষণের জন্য প্রথমে প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা আইন বাস্তবায়ন পর্যবেক্ষণের জন্য একটি বাধ্যতামূলক কোর্স / সেল শিক্ষা মন্ত্রকের সাথে ২১/০৬/১৯৯০ সালে প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয়েছিল। chakrir kbr।
Ministry Of Primary and Mass Education Job
- Qualification: See circular
- Job vacancy: 12
- Deadline: 25 April 2022
- Apply from below

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Ministry Of Primary and Mass Education Job
One of the prerequisites for ensuring education for all is the mandatory provision of equal access to primary education for all children. The ‘Primary Education Act 1990’ has been passed by the Jatiya Sangsad as legal obligation is essential. On the other hand, in order to monitor the proper implementation of this Act, first the Compulsory Primary Education Act Implementation Monitoring Course / Cell was establish on 21/06/1990 with the Ministry of Education. On 31/11/1992, it was renam as ‘Compulsory Primary Education Implementation Monitoring Unit’. One of the prerequisites for ensuring education for all is the mandatory provision of equal access to primary education for all children.
The ‘Primary Education Act 1990’ has been passed by the Jatiya Sangsad as legal obligation is essential. On the other hand, in order to monitor the proper implementation of the law, first a compulsory course / cell for monitoring the implementation of the Primary Education Act was establish on 21/06/1990 with the Ministry of Education. It was later renamed as ‘Compulsory Primary Education Implementation Monitoring Unit’ on 31/11/1992.
Department of Primary Education
Independence In Bangladesh, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman nationalized about 36,000 primary schools in the country in 1973. Bangabandhu’s daughter Jannetri Sheikh Hasina nationalized about 26,000 private primary schools created after 2013. The government attaches utmost importance to the primary education sector. It is implementing various activities through Primary Education Development Program-3 worth about Tk 56,000 crore. At present, all the children of the country are being provided free new books on the first day of the school year. Pre-primary classes are introduc in every primary school by creating new posts of teachers. This has made it possible to reduce the dropout rate by ensuring the admission of eligible children for primary school admission.
Since 2009, the final examination of primary education introduced. This has led to major changes in primary education. Scholarships are award to children through final examinations and certificates are awarded to children.
More info
Bangabandhu Gold Cup Primary School Football Tournament It is hop that this will enable our children to educated in modern and technology-based education and qualify in a competitive world. Under the Department of Primary Education, 6 PTI 505 Upazila / Thana Education Offices for long term training of teachers in the field and 482 Upazila / Thana Resource Centers for short term training of teachers. Power has been decentraliz in the field to facilitate the financial administration of primary school teachers and primary education officials.
Department of Administration
- Transport management
- Development of professional skills of officers and employees
- General administration and management of the head office
- Co-ordination of various inter-departmental work
- Coordinating the work of various development partners
- Field administration control
- Manpower recruitment and promotion
- Textbook distribution
- Performing the final test
- Celebrating National Days
- Formulation and reform of timely policies
IMD Category
- All information relat to primary education from field level to central office
- Collection, storage and processing of all types of data of the department
- All Internet-related management from school to department
- Annual school survey information
- Officer-employee information
- Prepare the results of the final examination of primary education and save the relevant information
Job related
প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা ও গণশিক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয়, প্রাথমিক ও গণশিক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয়ে নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি ,প্রাথমিক ও গণশিক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয় নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০২২ , প্রাথমিক ও গণশিক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয় চাকরি, প্রাথমিক ও গণশিক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয় নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি, প্রাথমিক ও গণশিক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয় বাংলাদেশ, প্রাথমিক ও গণশিক্ষা মন্ত্রনালয়, জব নিউজ ২০২২ সরকারী, সরকারী চাকরী সংবাদ, জব নিউজ, চাকরির খবর, চাকরিরর পেপার, চাকরির সংবাদ।জব নিউজ ২০২২ সরকার, জব নিউজ ২০২২, জব নিউজ, জব নিউজ। সাপ্তাহিক জব নিউজ, সাপ্তাহিক জব নিউজ, জব নিউজ, জব নিউজ, জব নিউজ গভর্নমেন্ট,
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