Dhaka wasa job circular 2023, WASA, Dhaka The supply of pure water to Dhaka city started in 1848 through the Chandnighat water purification plant built by Nawab Khwaja Abdul Gani. In the fifties of the nineteenth century, large-scale supply of clean water and sanitation to the city of Dhaka began. In 1923, sewerage system was introduced in Dhaka metropolis. Drainage activities in Dhaka city started in 1948 under the Department of Public Health Engineering. After the partition of the country in 1947, the government set up the Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) to rehabilitate water and sewerage and provide related services in urban and rural areas. Dhaka WASA was established in 1983 as a separate agency for water supply and sewerage in Dhaka city.
ঢাকা ওয়াসা নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০২৩, www.chakrirkbr.com। ঢাকা ১৮৪৮ সালে নবাব খাজা আবদুল গণির নির্মিত চাঁদনীঘাট জল পরিশোধন কেন্দ্রের মাধ্যমে ঢাকা শহরে বিশুদ্ধ পানির সরবরাহ শুরু হয়। উনবিংশ শতাব্দীর পঞ্চাশের দশকে ঢাকা শহরে বড় পরিসরে পরিষ্কার পানি ও স্যানিটেশন সরবরাহ শুরু হয়। ১৯২৩ সালে, ঢাকা মহানগরীতে পয়নিষ্কাশন ব্যবস্থা চালু হয়। জনস্বাস্থ্য প্রকৌশল বিভাগের অধীনে ১০৪৮ সালে ঢাকা শহরের ড্রেনেজ কার্যক্রম শুরু হয়। ১৯৪৭ সালে দেশ বিভাগের পর, সরকার জনস্বাস্থ্য প্রকৌশল বিভাগ (ডিপিএইচই) স্থাপন করে যাতে পানি ও নর্দমা পুনর্বাসন করা হয় এবং শহরাঞ্চল ও গ্রামাঞ্চলে সংশ্লিষ্ট সেবা প্রদান করা হয়। ঢাকা ওয়াসা ১৯৮৩ সালে ঢাকা শহরে পানি সরবরাহ ও পয়weনিষ্কাশনের জন্য একটি পৃথক সংস্থা হিসেবে প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয়েছিল।
Dhaka Wasa Job 2023
Job Category: Govt jobs
Educational Requirements: Honours
Salary: Negotiable
Vacancy: 02
Age limits: At least 18 years to 32 years
Deadline: 29 January 2023

Job Category: Govt jobs
Educational Requirements: Honours
Salary: Negotiable
Vacancy: 01
Age limits: At least 18 years to 32 years
Deadline: 22 January 2023
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Dhaka Wasa Apply 2023
Later, the responsibility of water and sewerage of Dhaka metropolis was transferred from DPHE to Dhaka WASA. Until June 1989, the Dhaka WASA service area was limited to the Dhaka metropolitan area. In the early 1990s, Dhaka WASA took over the responsibility of water supply and sewerage in Narayanganj city area. At present Dhaka metropolis and Narayanganj city are known as Dhaka WASA service area. The entire service area of Dhaka WASA is divided into 11 geographical regions. Of these, 10 areas are located in Dhaka metropolis and 1 area is located in Narayanganj. At present Dhaka WASA is supplying 195 crore liters of water against the daily demand of 210 crore liters. Of this, about 6 percent is groundwater and 13 percent is surface water. Dhaka WASA supplies water through 539 deep tube wells and four water treatment plants. See more in job paper bd.
Dhaka WASA has 264 diesel powered generators. As the demand for water increases in the summer, the power crisis becomes more pronounced. Then with the help of these generators water is extracted and water is supplied to Dhaka city. Besides, Dhaka WASA provides water in case of water crisis in the city with the help of 31 water carts, 30 trolleys and 11 tractors. At present Dhaka WASA has 260,000 customers. Of these, 27364 subscribers are in the metropolis and 11633 subscribers are in Narayanganj city. There are 1209 road mills in Dhaka city and 434 in Narayanganj. The quality of water obtained from underground and surface sources is regularly tested through the WASA Quality Control and Research Department. Ground water supplied by Dhaka WASA is of good quality and chlorination system has been put in place at the source to prevent possible contamination in the supply line.
New Dhaka Wasa Govt Job 2023
After purification of surface water, it is chlorinated like groundwater before entering the supply line. The levels of arsenic and toxins such as chromium, cadmium, lead, zinc, mercury and aluminum in deep tube well water are tested every month. Levels of ammonia, nitrate, phosphate, sulphate, BOD and COD were also tested. Besides, all these tests are done every 3 months in the case of river water used in water treatment plants. The amount that remains after deducting the amount of water billed from the total amount of water produced at a given time is the system loss. Losses due to other reasons including leakage and broken meters in water lines are called technical system losses and losses due to various reasons including illegal connection and weak billing system are called administrative system losses. System loss is a big problem for Dhaka WASA.
The situation has improved considerably due to contractual leasing of revenue bills and collection activities. At present the total system loss as per Dhaka WASA water production and bill stands at 35 percent. The sewerage system was introduced about a century ago and was gradually improved. Mirpur, Mohammadpur (part), Shyamoli, Kalyanpur and Uttara are still out of sewerage due to scarcity of resources. A master plan is being formulated for the development of sewerage in all these areas. At present Dhaka city has 1 sewage treatment plant, 29 sewer lift stations, 81.02 km of sewerage lines and 6027 sewers. In 1979, by government order, drainage activities were entrusted to Dhaka WASA. Drainage infrastructure built from 1947 to date is 1. Storm water line (450 m to 3000 mm in diameter) 290 km, 2. Box culvert 9 km, 3. Open canal 75 km.
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