Bangladesh Forest Research Institute Job Circular has been publish. First of all you will get all kinds of job and job news here. You can see the news of such interesting job and regular pub here. We help you with the right job information. The Bangladesh Forest Research Institute conducts research on the conservation and maintenance of Bangladesh’s forest resources, which are less than what is needed, and the creation of new forests. This is known as BFRI for short. BFRI is headquarter in Chittagong. Apply by looking at the Bangladesh Forest Research Institute Job Circular.
বাংলাদেশ বন গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি আরো তথ্য পূর্বের নাম: ফরেস্ট প্রোডাক্টস রিসার্চ ল্যাবরেটরি (এফ আর এল)। বর্তমান নাম: বাংলাদেশ বন গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট (বিএফআরআই)। স্থাপিত: ১৯৫৫ খ্রি. অবস্থান: সদর দপ্তর চট্টগ্রাম শহরের ষোলশহর এলাকায় অবস্থিত। আয়তন: ১১০০ হেক্টর (প্রধান কার্যালয় ২৮ হেক্টর ও ২১ টি ফিল্ড স্টেশন ১০৭২ হেক্টর) । বিভাগ সমূহ: বন ব্যবস্থাপনা উইংয়ের অধীনে ১১টি বিভাগ, বনজ সম্পদ উইংয়ের অধীনে ০৬টি বিভাগ ও সাধারণ সেবা বিভাগ ২টি, মোট ১৯টি বিভাগ নিয়ে আছে বিএফআরআই গঠিত। ফিল্ড স্টেশন: ২১ টি ফিল্ড স্টেশন, ১০৭২ হেক্টর । বাংলাদেশ বন গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি দেখুন
Bangladesh Forest Research Institute job 2022
- Position Name: Short Typist Cum-Computer Operator Number of posts: 01 Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s / equivalent degree. Salary Scale: Rs. 11,000-26,590.
- Position Name: Computer Operator Number of posts: 01 Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s / equivalent degree. Salary Scale: Rs. 11,000-26,590.
- Position Name: High Quality Assistant Number of posts: 04 Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s / equivalent degree. Salary Scale: Rs. 11,000-26,590.
- Position Name: Short Typist Cum-Computer Operator Number of posts: 03 Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s / equivalent degree. Salary Scale: Rs.10,200-24,680.
- Position Name: Security Inspector Number of posts: 01 Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s / equivalent degree. Salary Scale: Rs.10,200-24,680.
- Position Name: Forrester Number of posts: 01 Educational Qualification: Diploma in Forestry. Salary Scale: Rs.9,800-23,490.
Bangladesh Forest Research Institute job 2022
- Position Name: Mechanical Navigator Number of posts: 02 Educational Qualification: Secondary / equivalent degree. Salary Scale: Rs. 9,300-23,490.
- Position Name: Car Driver Number of posts: 06 Educational Qualification: 8th class pass. The road transport authority obtained a valid driving license. Salary Scale: Rs. 9,300-23,490.
- Position Name: Compounder Number of posts: 01 Educational Qualification: Secondary / equivalent degree in Science. Salary Scale: Rs. 9,300-23,490.
- Position Name: Office Assistant Work-Computer Typist Number of posts: 01 Educational Qualification: Secondary / equivalent degree. Salary Scale: Rs.9,800-23,490.
- Position Name: Office Assistant Work Accountant Number of posts: 01 Educational Qualification: Higher Secondary / equivalent degree in Commerce. Salary Scale: Rs. 9,300-23,490.
- Position Name: Library Assistant Number of posts: 01 Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s / equivalent degree. Salary Scale: Rs. 9,300-23,490.
- Position Name: Nursery Supervisor Number of posts: 01 Educational Qualification: Higher Secondary / equivalent degree in Science including Biology. Salary Scale: Rs. 9,300-23,490.
- Position Name: Engine Man Number of posts: 01 Educational Qualification: Secondary / equivalent degree. Salary Scale: Rs. 9,300-23,490.
- Position Name: Pipe Fitter Number of posts: 01 Educational Qualification: Secondary / equivalent degree. Salary Scale: Rs. 8,800-21,310.
- Position Name: Fieldman Number of posts: 01 Educational Qualification: Secondary / equivalent degree. Salary Scale: Rs. 8,800-21,310.
- Position Name: Plant Mounter Number of posts: 03 Educational Qualification: Higher Secondary / equivalent degree in Science including Biology. Salary Scale: Rs.8,500-20,560.
- Position Name: Forest Guard Number of posts: 14 Educational Qualification: Secondary / equivalent degree. Salary Scale: Rs.8,500-20,560.
- Position Name: Office Assistant Number of posts: 28 Educational Qualification: Secondary / equivalent degree. Salary Scale: Rs. 8,250-20,010.
- Application start date: May 10, 2022
- Application deadline: May 24, 2022
- Apply from below

Application Rules:
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বি এফ আর আই নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০২২
Bangladesh Forest Research Institute (BFRI) is the only national institute for forest research in the country. The institute was establish in 1955 in Chittagong under the name of “Forest Research Laboratory” for the purpose of utilizing forest resources and innovating technology. Later, in 1986, it created opportunities for forest management research. The laboratory was transform into a full national research institute on forestry. The organization has been under the direct control of the Ministry of Environment and Forests since 1985 and is currently under the direct control of the Ministry of Forests, Environment and Climate Change. The institute was incorporate in 1996 under the National Agriculture Research System.
Job related
বাংলাদেশ বন গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট চাকরী ২০২২, সরকারী চাকরী ২০২২, সর্বশেষ চাকরী, নতুন বিডি চাকরী, আজ চাকরী ২০২২, নতুন সরকারী চাকরী, বিএফআরআই তে নতুন চাকরী, বিএফআরআই, চাকরির খবর, আজ চাকরির খবর, বাংলাদেশ বন গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট চাকরী ২০২২, বাংলাদেশ বন গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট,
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