Ahdo NGO Job Circular 2023, the Government of Bangladesh has issued a new career on the job market. The circular contains a number of important changes in the employment policy and is expected to be implemented this years. The circular has been prepared to accommodate various changes that are likely to take place in the job market over the next few years.” The job circular has been drafted by the Central government to provide a framework for the construction of the new jobs and the development of skills in Bangladesh.
It is aimed at providing a medium to communicate with labor and employers in a systematic, transparent and effective manner. The circular will be published online, as well as through print media, radio, television and other forms of communication. It will also be available on the website www.ahdobd.org . The circular will be drafted keeping in view various aspects like: Check all new job news from www.chakrirkbr.com.
a) Employment Act (1947), which provides for classification of workers based on their ability to do work; b) Industrial Disputes Act (1948), which provides for protection against unfair dismissal; c) Labour Laws (Amendment) Act, 1956 (as amended), which provides for protection against discrimination on grounds of caste or religion; d) Trade Union Act (1934), which provides for protection against industrial action; So, Ahdo NGO Job Circular 2023 details see below.
Ahdo NGO Job Circular 2023
Salary: 22,700-35,200/-TK
Age: 18-45 Years
Vacancy: 112
Deadline: 20 January 2023

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Action for human development organization job circular 2023
Ahdo Ngo is a Bangladeshi company that specializes in providing online content writing services. It has over 300 employees and it is one of the leading companies in Bangladesh. They are well known for their high-quality and innovative work. The word “ahdo” is a Bengali word that means “job”. It is used to describe a person who works for someone else. In Bangladesh, ahdo ngo is the term used to describe the job of a person who works for someone else. In Bangladesh, ahdo ngo is often referred to as an employee of an employer – the employer pays the salary and provides facilities.
However, there are other types of employers in Bangladesh such as self-employed individuals or people who work for themselves. The ngo Bangladesh is a non-governmental organization that promotes the development of human resources in the country. The organization is also known for its efforts to improve the livelihood of poor people in Bangladesh and also for its social programs. So, AHDO aims to implement various social activities and various development programs that are reliable, consistent and relevant to the needs of the people of the local area for justice. Ahdo NGO Job Circular 2023 must see avobe.
Ahdo NGO Job Apply 2023
Action for human development organization envisages building a safe environment for all socially backward people who need economic, social, health care and environmental liberation and who have the right to live a safe and comfortable life with social value and dignity. 23 years of experience as Executive Director in Action for Human Development Organization “AHDO” at Managerial Level in Social Service, Micro-credit Programme, Micro-Finance, Health, Nutrition, Education, Child and Women Rights, Relief and Rehabilitation Program and various related projects. Social welfare.
JM Nazimuddin Akkel Executive Director & Founder Action for Human Development Organization “AHDO” 23 years of experience in Social Service, Microcredit Programme, Managerial Level in Micro-Finance, Health, Nutrition, Education, Child and Women Rights, Relief and Rehabilitation Programs and Social Welfare Various related projects. You can easily apply for Addo NGO Jobs from our site. We publish new NGO recruitment circular for job seekers. Bangladesh job aspirants are waiting for ahdobd.org career this popular circular 2023 today. Hope you have seen Ahdo NGO Job Circular 2023 from above.
What types of job in this organisation??